The most important part of any plan is to preserve and protect what you already have.  Balancing your risk is at the heart of how we plan for your financial future. We aim for the right combination of investments to first preserve your wealth and then assume the appropriate risk level you need to manage your assets. We’ll create a customized plan that takes into consideration your age, current financial situation, resources, lifestyle and inclination for risk.

Managing risk is especially important for those who are approaching or in retirement. Retirement in America is changing and so are the financial risks, so we plan for:


Compared to past generations, people are living longer and healthier in retirement – especially women – so you’ll need an income stream that lasts longer.


Historically, the average inflation rate is over 3%. Over a long retirement, that can significantly lower your purchasing power.

Market Volatility

Equities have historically helped retirees keep pace with inflation, but the market has proven unpredictable, and your income shouldn't be.

<strong>The Key Formula for Retirement</strong>

The Key Formula for Retirement

It’s simple, but not easy: Income is king. It is paramount to provide enough income to allow you to live the lifestyle you desire for the rest of your life.

Where will your retirement income come from? If you are like most people, qualified retirement plans, Social Security, and personal savings and investments are expected to play a significant role. Once you have estimated the amount of money you may need for retirement, a sound approach involves taking a close look at your retirement income sources. 

Endeavor Wealth Management assists you with when and how to retire, when to take Social Security, how to build a retirement income stream that will last the rest of your life, what assets to draw on and in what order, and other important decisions and considerations. Together, we can create a financial plan that you’ll feel confident in both now and for retirement.

<b>Women &#38; Risk</b>

Women & Risk

Women have a distinct set of challenges when it comes to planning for retirement:

1. Women are more likely to live longer than men.

2. Because they often take time from their career to raise children or care for aging parents, women may have less time in the workforce to build wealth and save for retirement.

3. Unfortunately, the wage gap also comes into play, which can affect the accumulation of wealth and retirement savings.

With these challenges, it’s even more critical for women to have a well-constructed financial plan for their future. At Endeavor Wealth Management we take a disciplined approach that is well-suited for women investors that can help you address longevity risk and invest your wealth, so you have a retirement plan that works for your goals.

Wondering about your personal risk tolerance?

Take our quick Riskalyze quiz to find out.
Then we talk about whether your portfolio aligns how much risk you want and need to take to pursue your goals.

Do you need to balance your risk? Let’s talk.

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